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This is where newsworthy items will be displayed:  progress with getting the book to market, notable comments on its contents, etc.
The book is now available for purchase.  Go to   "ABOUT / ORDER THE BOOK"   and follow instructions.  Shipping will be by Canada Post.  FedEx would have been slightly faster but more complicated to destinations outside Canada.  Canada Post has become quite efficient, no doubt thanks to the competition.  However, they have a penchant for going on strike, so one takes a chance here.
Despite overwhelming evidence, some readers still seem to doubt the existence of the Bound Vortex.  They are referred to a scientific paper titled  A Review of Modern Sail Theory  by Arvel Gentry, published in the Proceedings of the Eleventh AIAA Symposium on the Aero/Hydronautics of Sailing, September 12, 1981, Seattle, Washington.  An excerpt from this paper, dealing with Gentry's ingenious "Bathtub Experiment" can be seen by activating this button >>>>>>>>
(Note that Fig. 16 in that paper has been incorrectly labelled as Fig. 17)
January 2020:  prior to ordering the third print lot of the book, it was decided to make a few minor revisions and call the revised version "2nd Edition". This is the version which is now shipping. The major change was to include the late Arvel Gentry's "Bathtub Experiment" in the text. His description of the experiment was until now available only through the above button. Other, minor changes were introduced only to improve readability.
Subsequent to a suggestion by one of the reviewers of the book, two pages have been added to the present website, accessible by buttons on the ABOUT / ORDER THE BOOK  page.  These buttons allow potential buyers to better judge whether the book is "their cup of tea" (with apologies to aficionados of the Coanda effect!).
March 2021:  The book is now also available from  Find it by title or by  Ulo Okapuu.  Amazon has lower shipping costs to Europe.
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